Monday, November 16, 2009

What's Up with Baby A.

Baby A. is 4 months old already! He is such a content, happy little guy who brings so much joy into our lives. He loves to be talked to and will coo and gurgle right back at you. Last week he started rolling over from his back to his tummy. Now whenever I lay him on a blanket on the floor, I have to be more vigilant because he tends to roll halfway across the room.

I would love to share photos of his gorgeous blue eyes and his ginormous smile, but since he is still a foster child I have to respect his privacy. His caseworker has informed us that she plans to recommend termination of parental rights in two more months. (Birthmom has still not contacted CPS to work a service plan.) Once rights are terminated, we have to wait 90 days before we can adopt him. We are praying that this is God's plan for us! We want this little guy to be part of our family forever!