Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Little Disappointment

Monday was supposed to be Rebekah's adoption day.  The i's were dotted and t's crossed, or so we thought, until about 2:00 yesterday afternoon when we learned we can't complete the adoption until Billy and I get updated fingerprints for a background check.  We submitted fingerprints 4 years ago when we were in the process of becoming verified for foster care, but our attorney said the judge will probably want a more recent submission.  (I'd like to ask them how, with all these kids, they think I've had time to commit any crimes??) We'd never heard of this any of the other 3 times we've adopted and really don't understand why we didn't find out about it until the last day before the adoption was scheduled.  We've spent some time trying to figure out who was to blame, but sooner or later you realize it doesn't really matter and it's pointless to dwell on being angry. We're disappointed, but the bottom line is we're still going to adopt Rebekah, we just have to wait a few more weeks . 

Our little girl has been doing great!  She's 8 months old now and received an excellent report from the developmental specialists who saw her earlier this week.  We've got a few exercises to do with her for some stiffness in her neck and to encourage rolling over.  We were also instructed to reduce the calorie mix of her formula - apparently she's getting a little too chunky!  Rebekah's adored by her siblings and her favorite person in the house is Daddy, of course. She showers him with smiles and wiggles in delight whenever he's around. 
So as you can see, we have an abundance of blessings to be thankful for and will continue on in faith and trust that God's timing, not ours, is what is best for us.


Rachelle said...

Oh disappointing but I'm glad it was a little thing. :)