Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ready for Summer!

The Memorial Day weekend was just a taste of what's in store for summer...a relaxed pace, family fun, and a rested and calm mother.  There are just 5 more days of work left for my husband and then the 10-week weekend begins!

After a morning of shopping together in which all 3 toddlers got new underwear (Daniel for the first time!), we treated the kiddos to a cold treat. Have you ever seen a child look this unhappy about eating ice cream? 
In Daniel's defense, he wasn't really unhappy - just hot and tired.  Plus his ice cream was left off the order so he had to wait a little longer to get it.  Poor Daniel. 

Joe and Mikea were a good deal more enthusiastic about eating theirs.

Oh the joys of eating ice cream on a hot summer day!

Now Baby A. would like me to tell you two things.  First, he's happy to report that our family is now officially the adoptive placement for him and in less than 3 months I can show you his gorgeous face.  (I'm not bragging, but well, yes I am - he has the most beautiful eyes and beaming smile you've ever seen.  He gets compliments every time we go out!)
Second, he wants you to know that he's been working very hard this past week learning how to walk! 
He can even hold an object and walk at the same time.
Each little step towards independence - whether it's wearing underwear for the first time or walking - is cause for celebration!  And yet it also makes me just a tiny bit sad because before I know it, my baby birds will be going to school, driving cars, and then leaving the nest...and I don't think I'll ever be ready for that!


overtiredmum said...

good luck for your new even bigger happy family - glad I don't have your washing basket! xo

Laura said...

Little tears of joyful happiness!

Joy said...

Congrats to Baby A and his adoptive placement!