Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Little Authors

Last night I was too wiped out to even move.  You know, when you need a vacation to recover from your vacation? (In my defense, two of the kids were still dealing with slight intestinal issues.) So for the second night in a row my husband got dinner for the kids and got them ready for bed without any help from me.  He even got them to clean up the swath of destruction they'd created throughout the house.

Instead of reading a bedtime story to them, though, my most awesome and creative husband helped the kiddos WRITE a bedtime story all about our trip to the beach. 

He asked them questions to spark their memories and then wrote down their responses.
Then on each page he drew pictures.
The kids were completely enthralled and just LOVED doing this.  I was surprised at how engaged they stayed through the whole process. Now all that's left is to bind the pages together.  Isn't this a great way to foster early literacy concepts AND preserve family memories?  Go Dad!


riversnake said...

Love it, love it, love it! Your husband should put all of his creative ideas in a book to help the rest of us parents who are equally dedicated but not as talented in the creativity department!


Rachelle said...

Enter him in any Father of the Year contests you can find. You should definitely be able to get a free cruise out of this creativity. Wow!

Jamie said...

seriously Billy needs to start a preschool...and my kids are first in line! (we can be the "cafeteria ladies" ha!)