Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Happy Campers

Earlier this month Billy and the big kids spent a weekend at a Father-Child Retreat hosted by Camp Lone Star.  Last year he just took Joe, but this year we decided the Wonder Twins were ready to go as well. (All seven of us actually spent a weekend there this summer for Family Camp - quite an adventure, let me tell you and one I really should share sometime!)

Anyway, the weekend was all about dads and kids spending time together enjoying God's creation and learning how God is "Mighty to Save".

After a two-hour drive, the happy campers were ready to stretch their legs and seek out their lodgings.
Once everyone was settled in, it was time for games and snacks with the other dads and kids.
The next day was filled with tons of activities, including the one you see below.  But I don't know what it is because I wasn't there.  Ok, so I just asked Daniel and Mikea what it was and they told me they were catching people in the net.  Hmmm....
During one of the Bible study sessions, the kids acted out the story of Joseph and the coat of many colors.  Who better to play Joseph than Joseph, complete with a coat that is about as non-multi-colored as you can get!  Oh well, we get the point.
Time to color!
I don't know what frightens me more:  the fact that my daughter is wielding a hatchet or the expression on her face!
Whew, that's better.  I much prefer a ping-pong paddle in her hands and a smile on her face!
Speaking of is Dan the Man reveling in apple cobbler and ice cream bliss. 
A highlight for Joe was posing with the camp's fire truck.  It was purchased due to this year's wildfire danger. 
The weekend also included hiking, S'mores, and a worship service on Sunday morning.
And this is what the weekend was all about: quality time with Dad!  (And a break for Mom, too!)

Monday, October 31, 2011

500 Babies Go To The Pumpkin Patch


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

365 Days

~Approximately 1-pound premature baby girl presents to EMS in towel with gasping respirations.  Fire crew suctioned, dried, and cut the cord.  Patient is cyanotic and limp, without palpable pulse.  Patient transferred immediately to unit and ventilated. Chest compressions also started.  Patient began grunting during ventilation and color improved from cyanotic to red.  Upon arrival at ER patient has weak cry, is opening eyes, and moves all extremities.


Happy 1st birthday sweet, precious Rebekah!  You are living proof of God's amazing power, protection, and love!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Let's Go On A Bug Hunt!

There isn't much incentive to go outside when it's miserably hot and dry, but we thought yesterday's rain(hooray!) might entice a few bugs to venture out, making the perfect opportunity to try out our brand-new bug-huts.

First, assemble your bug-hunting team.  (Coordinating outfits optional.)

Next, go over the rules:  No ants or spiders.  Avoid all poisonous insects.  The kids made a few rules of their own, such as "No stinkbugs" (Joe) and "No eating grass or ants.  And don't touch dog poop" (Mikea).  Awesome!  Let the hunting commence...
Well, the hunters quickly found out that the only insects to be found were ants, ants, and more ants.  Disappointment hung thickly in the hot, sticky air.
Daniel took it the hardest.
But the children persisted and soon discovered a purple of couple tiny moths.  Oops, I mean a couple of tiny purple mouths.  Um, moths. 

I handed out the nets and after a few failed attempts, Mikea caught a moth!
After a couple of minutes and under Daniel's watchful eye, Mikea decided to release her captive.  Good girl! 
Adrian was perfectly happy just finding rocks.  Oh, to be 2 again.
Overall, the bug hunt was kind of a failure, but it can only get better the next time we try, right?

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Kindergarten, Here We Come!

Great googly-moogly, where did the summer go?  It flew by in a flash of fun for sure, and it makes me realize that's how quickly my kids are growing up.  Yesterday Joe started Kindergarten and I'm having anxiety that the school years are now just going to zip by and tomorrow my babies will be moving out of the nest.  Not that I won't be a bit relieved to go back to doing laundry for 2 instead of 7 (it's a killer, I tell you), but man, I love these children and can't imagine my house not being filled to overflowing with them. 

So how did our guy do on his first day?  Great, of course.  Joe has a huge advantage in that he went to Pre-K at the same school last year, so he's already familiar with the school, teachers, and "school culture" which is basically what a lot of these first days of Kindergarten are about.  One funny thing that happened was in the morning after Billy dropped Joe off in the cafeteria with his class, Joe apparently opened up his lunch box and started eating his lunch!  I'm sure he saw other kids eating breakfast and figured since he was in the cafeteria that's what he was supposed to do.

Here's Joe and Billy before heading off to school together.  Billy began his 10th year of teaching yesterday, by the way, and this will be his second year teaching 3rd grade.

 Here's Joe and his new teacher.  She's wonderful and I can already tell Joe's going to thrive in her class!
In the afternoon I pretended to be June Cleaver and baked fresh chocolate chip cookies for Joe.  Aw, how special.  Hee hee.  (I can tell you it's been a long while since homemade cookies were made in this house.)
So there you have it.  Joe's first day of Kindergarten.  It left me a little sad, a little happy, and a lot proud!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

500 Calves

What has 7 heads, 7 tails, 14 ears, and 64 spots?  Anyone? 
The Moo-rrison Family Herd, that's what.

That's right.  We all dressed up like cows yesterday to get free meals at Chik-Fil-A.  It took a day and a half to make the costumes, but I'm telling you it was worth every minute!  Especially to see this little cutie all dressed up:
Here's Daddy Cow and the Calves:
And Mama Cow and the Calves:
Before we left, the older cows decided to do a little grazing outside:
Then they said, "Mooooooooo!"
Now as cute as sweet Rebekah is from this view, wait until you see....
her little tail!
After the meal the calves romped around in the play area for a bit.
And then took loooong naps when we got home.  That's what I'm talking about! 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Beach Babies 2011