We have less than a week before our house goes on the market and we're all getting rather work-weary. We had lots of help from family and friends over the weekend and are truly grateful. There's no way we could do this alone. Pretty soon I'll share some pictures of the work going on around here. In the meantime, here is our work crew taking a voluntary reading break:
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Reading Break
Labels: Random
Shared with you by Anna at 7:49 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Job Skills
We decided our work crew needed some training so Billy set them up with hammering practice.
I think now they will take their jobs more seriously and get some work done around here! By the way, did you notice the living room walls are no longer green? They are now "Vanilla Steam".
Labels: House Stuff
Shared with you by Anna at 7:43 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 21, 2009
"Happy Day"
I tried to teach the kids to say "Happy Father's Day" and while no one got it exactly right, they were all very cute in their attempts. Throughout the day Mikea would say "Happy Daddy" and "Happy Day" when I reminded her.
Labels: Family, Holidays, House Stuff
Shared with you by Anna at 9:36 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The Next Big Project
Now that we've adopted Mikea, we are getting serious about our next life-changing event: selling our house and buying a bigger one. We live in a two-bedroom, 1100 sq. ft. home that barely contains two adults, three kids, and two dogs. We didn't anticipate getting so many kids so quickly.
Looks to me like they're goofing off on the job. Why is it so hard to find good help these days?
Labels: House Stuff
Shared with you by Anna at 9:31 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Adoption Day: Part 2
The huge weight that has been sitting on our hearts the past 19 months has finally been lifted. Besides that, there's the relief of no more monthly reports, no more filling out medication logs, no more visits from case workers, and no more trainings to attend. We are finally a "normal" family! :)
Shared with you by Anna at 8:24 PM 4 comments
Friday, June 12, 2009
Adoption Day: Part 1
Adoption day was both exhilarating and exhausting! We scrambled to get out of the house on time, left 15 minutes late, but still arrived 30 minutes early for the ceremony. Go figure. The kids became very restless before the ceremony began, and Mikea was crying when it was our turn. But she got quiet when we stood up to hear the judge say, "Your adoption is granted." Hallelujah!
Before the ceremony began, leis were given to everyone.
Here is the table of cupcakes and stuffed animals for the children. The kids who were adopted today also received lovely blankets made by a local Democrat group. (We won't hold that against them.)
Can you tell this is one happy girl?
Here we are with Judge Montemayor. We were excited that Nana was able to join us. She's Billy's grandmother and the kids' great-grandmother. (In other news, please ignore the location of Daniel's index finger.)
This is our attorney, Mr. Tarver. Today was the first day we met him and he was awesome! He couldn't have been nicer and added a positive energy to the day. He played with the kids and took a lot of pictures. Daniel especially wanted Mr. Tarver to hold him, which is funny because Dan's usually shy around strangers. (Purely by coincidence, Mr. Tarver was also Mikea's birthmother's attorney ad litem. We didn't find this out until a couple of weeks ago.)
All in all it was a wonderful celebration and we are beyond thankful that this day finally arrived! Twenty-seven new families were created today, with over 30 children being adopted. Our county has the highest number of foster-adoptions in the nation! I think that's something to be proud of!
I'll share a few more photos and stories in another post either tomorrow or Sunday.
Shared with you by Anna at 9:00 PM 3 comments
Meet Mikea!
Our little sweetheart is now legally, officially, 100% ours! I will post pictures from the adoption ceremony later on, but for now enjoy the ones above, kindly taken and put together by our friend Jamie. Thanks, Jamie! And thank you to everyone who has been praying for us the past 19 months. Our prayers have been answered above and beyond what we ever dreamed! Praise God!
Monday, June 8, 2009
What Did You Just Say?
If you visit our household on any given day, you'll probably hear the words "no" and "mine" more than you thought possible. It was over a year ago that Joe's speech therapist taught him to say (or sign) the word "mine", and I guess it's no surprise that Dan and Kiki learned quickly what a useful word it is.
They use other words of course, like water, ball, doggie, etc. But lately I have been amazed at some other words they are starting to use. With Daniel, it was when he said "animal" at the beach. Dan is the least talkative of the three, so that's why it was such a surprise to us. Fortunately he doesn't seem to have the same issues Joe does with forming letter sounds, so we think he's just naturally quiet.
Labels: Kid stories
Shared with you by Anna at 8:33 AM 1 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Craft Day
Yesterday I was feeling guilty about not doing enough art activities with the kiddos so I took a deep breath and brought out the paint. Joe did a great job and was remarkably conscientious about not getting paint here, there, and everywhere. (He has an odd tendency towards neatness. Odd to me, at least.)To be expected, the other two were more interested in playing with the paint than actually painting.
Labels: Kid stories
Shared with you by Anna at 2:15 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 1, 2009
Soon this little cutie will be officially be our daughter! We are almost certain we will be able to adopt on June 12.
Labels: Adoption
Shared with you by Anna at 10:51 PM 1 comments